Montessori system was introduced and designed by Dr. Maria Montessori.
What I have understood from her philosophy of educating a child is that,
1) it is a processs of developing personality in which, children
- are provided with favorable environment
- are granted freedom of movement and freedom of choice
2) it is a 3 to 4 years long learning period during which, children
- are introduced to the world in their surroundings
- learn basic concepts through Montessori material
- learn to take care of all the components that comprise a tidy and organized environment
- are guided to maintain peace in the environment
- learn skills that can help them towards independent reading and writing during elementary schooling
3) children's potential is revealed when they are...
1- given enough time
- to observe their surroundings
- to absorb positive things from the environment
- to perceive the nature of objects and events
- to comprehend the basic learning concepts
- to complete their work
2- provided with opportunities
- to express their feelings through different sources, such as one-on-one conversation, painting, drawing,
group discussions, physical movement, nursery rhymes and poems, stories, etc.
- explore and inquire
- to choose and reject
- to make decisions on their own (and instructions are not imposed upon them)
- that can help them distinguish between right and wrong
4) children should not be...
- interrupted unnecessarily when they are busy
- forced to do something that they are not interested in
- convinced to do anything by 'reward or punishment'
- restrained from roaming around even if it seems for no reason
- ignored while questioning about something
It is suggested that once a child is admitted to a Montessori system, his/her process of learning and developing personality should not be interrupted until all the major objectives are achieved. The adults (parents/teachers) should allow the child to pass through all the learning stages for his/her proper and strong cognitive and intellectual development.

What I have understood from her philosophy of educating a child is that,
1) it is a processs of developing personality in which, children
- are provided with favorable environment
- are granted freedom of movement and freedom of choice
2) it is a 3 to 4 years long learning period during which, children
- are introduced to the world in their surroundings
- learn basic concepts through Montessori material
- learn to take care of all the components that comprise a tidy and organized environment
- are guided to maintain peace in the environment
- learn skills that can help them towards independent reading and writing during elementary schooling
3) children's potential is revealed when they are...
1- given enough time
- to observe their surroundings
- to absorb positive things from the environment
- to perceive the nature of objects and events
- to comprehend the basic learning concepts
- to complete their work
2- provided with opportunities
- to express their feelings through different sources, such as one-on-one conversation, painting, drawing,
group discussions, physical movement, nursery rhymes and poems, stories, etc.
- explore and inquire
- to choose and reject
- to make decisions on their own (and instructions are not imposed upon them)
- that can help them distinguish between right and wrong
4) children should not be...
- interrupted unnecessarily when they are busy
- forced to do something that they are not interested in
- convinced to do anything by 'reward or punishment'
- restrained from roaming around even if it seems for no reason
- ignored while questioning about something
It is suggested that once a child is admitted to a Montessori system, his/her process of learning and developing personality should not be interrupted until all the major objectives are achieved. The adults (parents/teachers) should allow the child to pass through all the learning stages for his/her proper and strong cognitive and intellectual development.
Great Post Really like your blog Thanks!! What is the Montessori Method