Sunday 26 May 2013

Early Childhood - My Daughter

My daughter's early childhood memories now at the age of 22.

Q) Out of your oldest memory, do you feel that your mother followed you or you followed by the mother?
A) As far as I remember, my mother used to follow me around. She always gave me whatever I wanted.

Q) do you think that reward and punishment helped you in learning well?
A) I don't really remember being taught through the reward and punishment concept. When I prayed, as a kid, my mom used to tell me that if I did good God would reward me and if I did something bad I would be punished or God would not be happy with it.
When I was 9th grade, I do remember putting conditions upon myself of getting a new phone if I got good grades. But I never really took that seriously myself because in the end I always got what I wanted (after some time). So the answer is no, it did not help in learning well.

Q) How do you feel that you were supported as an active learner?
A) I was encouraged a lot by my mother in different ways through out my school years. She always appreciated and supported me throughout. I was so used to it that no matter if I drew a picture or got an A or even wore a new dress, I always turned to her to hear what she had to say. 

Q) Were you respected by the adults around you?
A) By respect if you mean treated nicely, not forced to do things that I didn't want to, etc, then I would say I was respected 70% when I was a kid. I don't actually remember being disrespected. I was forced to do a lot of things though that did help me when I grew up.
Unfortunately, at school especially being a part of the Asian community, I was barely respected at school. Teachers scolded a lot and discouraged a lot too. Thank goodness I pulled out from school after a few months.
As a human, I guess I was because of my mother. I always had her back and her support so no one would dare say anything to me.

Q) Were you provide freedom of movement and freedom of choice at home, in the school or anywhere?
A) At home and outside I had freedom of movement and freedom of choice but not at school.

Q) What are your best memories of freedom of movement and freedom of choice?
A) I always wore pink and red which were and still are my favourite colours so that would be freedom of choice. Whenever I went grocery shopping with my mom, I remember picking up snack items that I wanted and she never said no. While the other kids in the family did not get as much as I did.
I traveled on my own to different states in the US and I guess that was my freedom of movement. 

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