Saturday, 22 December 2012

Art as a Teaching Resource for Children under 5

What is art for children?

Art and the real objects in nature and surroundings remain the only teaching resources and a great attraction for children until they learn how to read and write.  

Art develops children's visualization and helps them understand the pre-school concepts and skills.  It is the best source that helps children imagine the places they have not visited and things they have not seen, such as geographical features in different areas, foreign countries, different nations around the world, their life style and their festivals, wild animals and frozen lands.

How does art help Pre-school teachers?

Art is a means of communication between teachers and preschoolers and a tool for building language.  That is why pre-school teachers must be proficient in art skills.  They must know how to present art before children and how to assist them in doing art projects.  They should know how to prepare the boards and the environment for children with displays relevant to themes and plannings.  Just one picture can teach a lot to a child; name, colour, shape, size, position, number, reference, difference or similarity, usage, etc.

The above link is a worth reading article regarding art skills and how important they are for children.

How should art be presented before pre-school children?

In pre-school, art is presented to children on soft-boards, on worksheets or through art activities.  

Pictures on soft-boards seem silent though, they tell stories to preschoolers.  Whatever they percept there creates a long-lasting impression on their minds.  Thus, the objects on the board must be proportionate in size, be placed at right positions, must be clear in view and must be presenting a colour scheme. 

Worksheets serve as a tool for pre-writing skills.  Pictures on worksheets must not be too large or too small for children to colour.   Similarly, there shouldn't be too small and too many objects for children to count.  
For preschoolers, Math worksheets are best from zero to twelve for teaching counting, counting by two and three, concept of adding more and taken away, concept of odd/even, foot and inches, sides and vertices of shape and even pictorial word problems.     
The instructions should be conveyed clearly and in repetition about what to do on the worksheet. 

Art Activities:
Before starting the activity, children must be told which supplies they are going to use and what steps they have to follow.   

If it is a comparing or matching card activity that teachers have prepared, make sure the cards are measured correctly and are cut in proper shape. 

Children must be guided properly, step by step when doing gluing and pasting activities.  They should be told how many pieces of what colour in what pattern or design they have to paste.  


Avicenna/Ibn Sina's Educational Views

Friday, 21 December 2012

Pre-School Programs

Pre-School Program

Pre-School is the term used for educational and training program for children from 2 to 5 years of age.  A variety of systems with different names have been introduced world-wide under pre-school programming.  Montessori, Kindergarten, Prep and Nursery are the most famous among them.  

The first pre-school institution was believed to be opened in 1816 by Robert Owen in Scotland.  Then Theresa Brunszvik in Hungry opened one in 1828.  Friedrich Frobel launched one in Germany introducing the term "Kindergarten" for his pre-school system.

In United States, the first pre-school program named "Head Start" was launched by President Johnson in 1965 for low-income families.   

Pre-School Systems

Early Childhood Education by Ibn-Sina/Avicenna

Abu Ali Al-Husayn ibn-Abdullah ibn-Sina (commonly known as Ibn-Sina/Avicenna - 980 to 1037) was a Persian philosopher and scientist.  His books on medicine and philosophy were used as a text-book in western universities. 

About one thousand years ago, Ibn-Sina presented his educational perspectives regarding children's education and training at different stages.  He also elaborated the teaching methods for boys and girls by age group. 

The purpose of education according to Ibn-Sina is building a sound personality through intellectual work which is based upon theoretical sciences and practical work which is based upon vocational preparations and instructions. 

He suggests physical exercises, sports and education through art music for age from infant to 6 years old. 

Montessori System by Dr. Maria Montessori

Maria Tecla Artemesia Montessori (August 31, 1870 - May 6, 1952) was an Italian physician who introduced a unique pre-school educational system which is meant to create a child's curiosity, a love for knowledge and a strong desire to learn through material especially designed to teach various concepts  and an organized environment, freedom of choice in a non-competitive environment. 


This is a pre-school program which prepares children for First Grade through various teaching techniques and teaching resources.  It a yearly-based systematic program which enables children to learn concepts and skills that can be helpful in elementary school.  It also trains children to be disciplined in order to cope with the disciplinary actions in regular schooling.

The term 'Kindergarten' literally means 'Children's Garden' was coined by Friedrich Frobel in 1837 for his play and activity institute. 


This is a pre-school system designed for toddlers and pre-schoolers to learn through fun activities rather.

Differences and Similarities between Montessori and Kindergarten systems

As an overall system, Kindergarten sounds more systematic, organized and result-oriented as compared to Montessori system, which represents kind of a home-schooling methodology in an fixed premises outside  home.
Montessori system is planned though as the daily activities are carried out according to a time table, but it cannot be called systematic as it does not presents any specific sequence in learning and does not set any timely conditions regarding children's overall progress.  Neither it promises any preparation for the next level.

1 - Age Group
Kindergarten deals with the children of same age group (usually 5 to 6 years old) learning and working together as a team while Montessori suggests vertical grouping, i.e. children from 2 to 5 working together. 

2 - Group or Individual Learning
In Kindergarten, a small group of children is taught one topic or given same activity at one time.  While in Montessori, children are usually assisted on individual basis whenever they show interest in a specific material or activity.

3 - Freedom of Choice
Kindergarten emphasizes on the concept of time management by asking children to complete their given task or work during a certain period of time.  While Montessori system provides freedom of choice to children to choose work themselves and take time in understanding what to do with it.

4 - Work Cycle
In Montessori, work cycle is defined as the time given to children to choose their work, which is usually one and half hour.  It is believed that work cycle helps children to become self-disciplined, controlled and independent in handling objects.

5 - Teaching Resources
Montessori system is completely based upon materials (known as Montessori material) specifically designed to teach children real life concepts and skills.  Kindergarten is not limited to such materials but in general, whatever can be helpful in preparing children for the next level.
However, both systems value art presented in an orderly manner as an essential tool for learning.

6 - Phonics
In a Montessori system, lower-case letters are introduced as the beginning sound of the objects.  Letters are taught as sounds according to children's understanding and recognition.  Sequence of letter is not necessary.
While in Kindergarten (mostly) flash cards and other resources are used to teach names of objects emphasizing on their beginning sound for clear and proper pronunciation (only if it is necessary).  Letters, however, are taught in sequence.

7 - Working Areas

Montessori system is founded upon five working areas; Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathematics and Cultural.
Kindergarten system is not limited specific working areas and totally depends upon teachers's approach to prepare children for the next level.

8 - Preparation
Kindergarten program is designed to prepare children for 1st Grade.  In contrary, Montessori system is not bound to prepare children for the next level.  Rather, it lets children reveal their potential with the passage of time, without any pressure.

9 - Remuneration 
In Kindergarten, children are appreciated for showing progress and are awarded in different ways for others to be encouraged.  While in Montessori, children work in a non-competitive environment.

10 - Adult's Supervision
Be it parent or teacher, Montessori system designates a very limited role to both group of adults and believes in children's own understanding and working abilities in a given environment.
While Kindergarten is a trio, in which parents and teachers hold equal role as the base for raising children as a disciplined and well-trained knowledgeable individuals.

11 -  Assessment
Despite of having different systems, both Kindergarten and Montessori set certain criteria for time to time assessment of children aside from traditional academic progress.  The criteria includes personality grooming and ethics as the integral part of children's overall progress.

The Possible Reasons for Choosing either System

All pre-school systems may have certain advantages as well as disadvantages. 

One reason that parents would like to choose Montessori for their children could be to provide them with a clean, organized, calm and peaceful environment outside home where they can walk around freely and reveal their potential under a 'mostly silent-adult-supervision'.  Such parents must understand that Montessori methodology is not only time consuming but requires the equally set environment at home too.  

Kindergarten system could be the priority of those parents who want their children to show progress in a certain period of time, learn to work on instructions and follow disciplinary actions in order to carry on peaceful and harmonious social interaction.

In Muslim countries, religious and semi-religious minded people have been choosing Madrassah system as a substitute to pre-schooling.  Madrassah system is more compatible to Kindergarten system and can easily be merged together by preparing a planned and precise syllabus as a part of curriculum.